Too Much Muscles

In order to accommodate our huge fan base, Lars agreed to do an outing with one of our fans the other week. This immediately created the following loaded question: which boat should we row?

In fact, the question of boats and weights has been so loaded recently in our club that certain members are fully convinced that they absolutely cannot row certain boats, whereas other—to the most casual observer seemingly very similar—boats are perfectly fine to row.

To avoid drama in the boat hall, Lars decided to not argue with our fan: he agreed to step into a lightweight boat. It, however, quickly became very clear that his well-formed calves were even more extreme than those of Anton aus Tirol:
Meine gigaschlanken Wadln
San a Wahnsinn für die Madln
Mei Figur a Wunder dar Natur
The result: wounds on both calves. A small price to pay in order to keep our fans happy.


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