The beginning...

After a life of irregular sports, the time has come to finally shape up properly once and for all (again).  The two of us starting on this journey are by no means lazy and do train regularly, but perhaps not reaching the best level of fitness we can aspire to.

At the same time, we have both passed 40 (a few years back), work full time jobs with some travel and do enjoy other things in life than training.

In other words: We want to get in shape in an efficient way. Some gruelling (for us) exercise routines will be necessary and this blog will describe our journey to what will hopefully be a different level of fitness.

Our journey started today with a 10 km rowing session (not very fitness-driving, but the water was too nice to ignore) and one (yes one only) set of exercises in the gym: The dreaded deadlift.

Jan: 3 x 5 x 100 kg
Lars: 3 x 5 x 70 kg

It was heavy, but - hey - it is only the beginning!


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