Rowing, weights and an apology

Today Suzanne, Anna-Karin, Lars and myself (Jan) went out rowing in a four with sweep oars. Overall good, especially when we managed to reduce the stroke rate and instead apply more power in each stroke.

We did some nice intervals on the way back (100, 80, 60, 40 and 20 strokes) and based on our speed, the old truth about reducing the stroke rate somewhat actually makes the boat faster was proven when analysing the log afterwards. In total 13.5 kilometers in somewhat foggy and cold weather (at least it felt cold in the beginning).

My heart rate (and I think/hope everyones) behaved as expected during the intervals:

Heart rate during intervals (dotted line represents outing average at 115 beats per minute).

After this nice outing Lars and I went to the gym for a good session consisting of squats, deadlifts, benchpress, reverse benchpress, pulp attempts as well as a plank.

One of our biggest fans, Rikke, once logged a complaint about the gym not being in good order after one of our sessions - no wonder with soooooooo many weights being used! Long story short, we apologise and today ensured to put all weights back in nice order.
