A good week and the Ferrari

This week has so far (Saturday) been pretty good from a training perspective for me (Jan) with sessions every day:

Crystal clear...

The picture translates to:

Monday: Running (4 km)
Tuesday: Biking (2 x 26 km)
Wednesday: Running (3 km)
Thursday: Rowing ergometer (5 km at 19:51)
Friday: Biking (2 x 9 km) + rowing (4x, 12 km)
Saturday: Biking (2 x 9 km) + rowing (8x, 12 km)

While length and intensity of course can be improved, I am quite happy with this. Tomorrow, Sunday, I plan to follow the Bible and rest.

The rowing session today (Saturday) was very frustrating for me. I was not in synch with the others, being too fast on the recovery resulting in taking the catch too early, in particular when we were rowing at lower pace. Our Danish superwomanrower was kind to compare this to driving a Ferrari (= me) on a 30 km/h road (and keeping that speed limit)!


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