
We live in interesting times with a great deal of challenges due to the corona virus pandemic spreading around the world and causing great deal of suffering in many countries.

While most of us are (still) lucky enough to be healthy, we have been affected by the different rules and recommendations handed out by our governments, e.g. when it comes to reduced social activities, shops closing, working from home and rowing clubs closing down.

While we rowers miss the chance to be on the water, we do realize it is a very small price to pay for the greater good.

Having said that, what I have recently observed is a stronger interest in indoor rowing as a natural consequence of this. I have seen delivery times for ergs going from 2-3 days to 7-9 days and at the time of writing being sold out! I am not directly affected, so you might ask why I keep an eye on this niche market. Well, as it turns out there are friends in my rowing club who have not made the erg the centerpiece of furniture in their homes!

We all make mistakes.

Sometimes it is also nice to erg together in a neutral space

As usual in times of challenges, people come to me (and Lars) for advice and while it is hard for me to help in this acute situation, I/we try to help as best we can (and should considering our undeserved success in so many areas).

So, a small Q&A:

How can I rent a erg these days?

First of all, congratulations on finally realizing you and your body wants (and needs) an erg. That it had to be this unfortunate crisis to make you realize this is sad, but as they say - nothing bad from which there does not also come something good (even if proportions might be way off).

Secondly, you do not want to rent an erg - you want to own one! (See also next question.)

Practical tip: Since normal rental places have run out of ergs, perhaps contacting your local gym or rowing clubs could be an option (remember they are closed, so the ergs are there unused). This could also be a way of supporting your local gym (or rowing club) in these times of financial stress.

How could I possible fit an erg in my home?

Again, the question is based on a false premise. As hinted above, you should ask yourself, why have I not made the erg the centerpiece of my home and adjusted everything else (e.g. sofa, table etc.) around that?

Practical tip: Sell/donate some of the stuff you have to make room for your erg. You will not regret it!

My wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner does not want to have an erg in our living room and there is no other space to have it. What should I do?

Well, the advice varies depending on your situation:

a) If married:

- Move to a bigger place (which an unmarried guy I know well recently did just to get space for his - soon to be purchased - erg).

- Negotiate/motivate: I mean, who would not like to have an already warmed up fit boy/girl in their living room ready for some "extracurricular activities"? (I won't go into details, there are other places on the internet for that.)

- No, if you are thinking "divorce", my advice is to look at above points.

b) If in a serious relationship

- See points above for married couple

- Think hard and long if you really want to be with someone who does not want what is best for you (which the erg can clearly provide)

c) If single or in a not-yet-so-serious relationship

- Buy the erg, place it centrally in your humble abode and thus ensure your partner knows what he/she is getting into before "sealing the deal" so to say. (Make no mistake, there might over time be attempts to get rid of the erg. Stay strong (again, the erg helps younot only get physically strong and fit, but also mentally strong).)

- If he/she at least accepts this (and it perhaps also leads to above mentioned "extracurricular activities") - propose immediately, you have the found the one!

It is as simple as that.

Anything else we can help with? Don't be shy to ask in the comments section.
