Too easy!!

We like to get feedback and we get a lot of that after having introduced our weekly online training sessions during this difficult time when our rowing club remains closed.

Based on feedback received from our latest training session (we read them all), we would like to highlight the below one:

"Thank you for helping us to exercise during these challenging times. After the session last week, I experienced some pleasurable training ache in my muscles, which made me happy as it was a confirmation of the high training effect. 

However, although I again enjoyed it and got sweaty, I felt that today's session was a bit too light. I hope this will not be the case in the future.

In addition, I found the music choice today to be very good, but last time it was superior. Can we have some more "Swedish schlager" again, please?

/Skåne Forever"

Skåne Forever, thanks to you and all others for joining the sessions. We appreciate every one joining and the more the merrier. This is motivating for us and we hope also for you, as socializing is somewhat limited these days.

We are happy to hear that you find satisfaction in muscle training ache - it is indeed a receipt on that you have pushed your body beyond it's comfort zone, which helps to make your muscles stronger.

No pain, no gain...

With regards to the Swedish schlager - you are right, there cannot be too much of that and you can expect it to return next week.

While we intentionally made the exercises in today's session less complex, it was not intended to make them easier and thus limiting your expected training effect.

We will make this up to you and others joining the session next week. We promise...

