Zucker in Zumikon

After having published our first noexcuses post, we thought the number of excuses we would get to know about would reduce.

To our (negative) surprise the opposite has happened, in particular in these times when long commuting to work cannot be used as an excuse(!) for not exercising! Combined with a default of less daily movement in these times, this is a double-trap for ruining ones health.

To help our readership not to fall in this vicious cycle of excuses (and the subsequent deterioatation of health), we will make a few exceptions to our generally positive messaging and post some of the worst excuses we come across. We don't like it, but we also feel we have an obligation to help to correct what is wrong.

So, with that introduction, let's get to one of the worse excuses we have come across:

While we all know that using the rowing machine if one of the best types of exercises there is, not all people choose to make this investment (despite all the evidence).

In unfortunate cases like these, running and some body based exercising is not a bad substitute.

However, in contact with two of our regular readers, we recently found out that their regular runs have been cancelled due to the trickle of rain which has recently been falling in their chosen area of living!

 Is that an an 'E' and and 'L' I see there?

Like little sugar cubes, they must be thinking that the water from heaven will dissolve their fragile bodies!

We can guarantee you this is not the case. In fact, any training done during perceived(!) tougher conditions will give an additional mental boost afterwards. We would thus even go so far as saying that when the weather does not play along, is exactly the right time not to change your exercise plans.

Or, in short: #noexcuses

We hope this will serve as both a warning against and motivation towards sticking to your exercise plan.
